Ramon Samaniegos was born in Mexico on the 6th of February 1899.

His film career spanned the 1920's, being given romantic leads after starting out as an extra. After a break, he came back as a character actor, having directed films in Europe. Mainly remakes of his own starring films.

He was over-shadowed by Valentino when the studio tried to portray him as a Latin lover.

Personally, only being able to go by black and white photographs, Novarro is the more photogenic. But it was the tastes at the time, not to mention the money put into advertising which always counts, even in this day and age.

It was a tragic end for the man. At the age of 69 years old, never having married and living alone, he was found dead. On the 31st of October 1968, two intruders broke into his home looking for hidden money that didn't exist. He was tortured and beaten to death. It is said that he still haunts 3110 Laurel Canyon Drive in Los Angeles where he was murdered.

Paranormal X 2009


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